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Damages for fall from Hospital Bed

Damages for fall from Hospital Bed

Our Client, Dannie*, obtained £2,500 damages from The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust after it admitted it had failed to stop him falling from a hospital bed whilst having a seizure resulting in him suffering minor soft tissue injury to his neck and face.

Our specialist solicitor, Andrew Burford, obtained copies of the relevant medical records from Dannie’s GP and The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust.  These records confirmed that Dannie had been admitted after suffering a seizure and was in a confused state of mind.  Whilst bedrails had initially been raised to stop him from falling out of the bed, these bedrails were later removed by a nurse and he subsequently fell out of the bed when suffering a further seizure.

A letter of claim was forwarded to The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust and after consideration of the allegations the Defendant NHS Trust admitted fault. A settlement of £2,500 was agreed.

If, like Dannie, you have suffered an injury due to medical treatment, it is important that you obtain expert legal advice as soon as possible.

Representation by a specialist in Clinical Negligence Litigation can be very important to those who have suffered as a result of medical treatment.  In this case, Dannie was able to obtain an apology from the Trust along with financial compensation.  His case was settled relatively quickly, without his needing to go to Court.  His representation was funded by means of a ‘No win, No fee’ agreement.

Do not hesitate to contact Andrew Burford by email at or call us on 0191 5666 500.  Alternatively, fill in our short enquiry form and one of our specialist solicitors will be in touch.


*A pseudonym used to protect the identify of our Client

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