Conveyancing Fees & Costs

We understand how important costs are to buyers and sellers. Our residential conveyancing fees are explained clearly so they are easy to understand.

Receive expert advice about all aspects of residential conveyancing – get in touch or call 0191 5666 500 for a friendly discussion.

Legal Fees

Our legal fees cover all the work required to complete the Sale or Purchase of your new home, including dealing with your Lender (where relevant), and/or registering the ownership of your new home at the Land Registry.  We also deal with the payment of Stamp Duty Land Tax (Stamp Duty) if the property is in England, or Land Transaction Tax (Land Tax) if the property is in Wales.

Our fees for re-mortgaging cover all work with your existing and new mortgage lender and HMLR.

Depending upon the location and price of the Sale/Purchase the total amount paid will vary. (*Please see our Cost Information for a more detailed breakdown of our typical prices and disbursements*)

The average UK property sale (or purchase) takes approximately 12-16 weeks to complete, but this varies depending on the complexities of each individual deal and the number of people involved and the number of properties in the chain.  Matters can only proceed at the speed of the ‘weakest link’.

We aim to complete each property transaction quickly and to a timescale that fits in with your requirements. Throughout the process, we will provide you with support, advice and guidance.  If any problems or delays arise, we always explain what is happening so you can set a realistic date for completion.

Our fixed fee prices typically start at £625 + VAT (£750 including VAT) for legal fees for properties under £125,000.00 and usually do not exceed £4,000 + VAT (£4800 incluidng VAT) for properties over £1,000,000.00.

If you are buying or selling a Leasehold property, we charge an extra fee of £450.00 + VAT (£540 including VAT) for handling the additional legal work involved.

Fees for re-mortgaging typically start at £395.00 + VAT (£395 including VAT) and disbursements. The time taken to complete a re-mortgage will usually be in the region of  6-8 weeks but can vary depending on the bank/lender and if there are any title deficiencies needed to be rectified before completion can take place or if full search applications are required to be made.


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as search fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. Typical disbursements which tend to apply are set out below.  This list is not exhaustive and you will be provided with a full breakdown of those which apply to you at the start of the transaction.

Typically, disbursements include  (if VAT applies this will be specifically stated):

Search Fees  £270.00 (fee is approximate and subject to change) (including VAT)

Bankruptcy search  £2.00 per name

Final OS1 search £3.00 per title

HMLR Fee (Land Registry Fee)

This is worked out based on the purchase price of the property you are purchasing and in respect of registered titles only according to the scale below. Fees will be higher in respect of unregistered land and transfers of part.

Purchase Price            Fee
0-80,000            20
80,001-100,000            40
100,001-200,000            100
200,001-500,000           150
500,001-1,000,000            295
1,000,001+           500


SDLT Fee – (Stamp Duty Land Tax)

This is calculated on the purchase price of your property.

The HMRC has a calculator to assist you on their website here.

If your property is in Wales you will need to use this link.

The fee for completing this document for the HMRC is £40.00 + VAT (£48 including VAT) and will be included in your formal quote.

Additional Leasehold Fees

Leasehold Sale

If you are selling a leasehold property (except for long lease houses) you will need to provide the buyer with a pack of information from either the Landlord/Managing Agent or both, who will charge a fee for providing this information.  Fees vary depending on the Landlord/Managing Agent but typically you will be charged between £100 – £250 and some third parties may charge VAT (currently at 20%) in addition.

Leasehold Purchase

If you are buying a leasehold property (except for long lease houses) you may be required to enter into additional legal documents which may attract additional charges by the Landlord/Managing Agent. Please be aware these charges may or may not attract VAT – we will advise you of the charges and VAT when we know.

Examples are shown below:

Notice of transfer   £50 – £200

Notice of charge   £50 – £200

Deed of covenant   £50 – £200

Certificate of compliance £50 – £200


Our fee assumes that:

a. this is a standard transaction and that no unforeseen matters arise including for example (but not limited to) a defect in title which requires remedying prior to completion or the preparation of additional documents ancillary to the main transaction

b. in respect of leasehold transactions, it involves an assignment of an existing lease and not the grant of a new lease

c. the transaction is concluded in a timely manner and no unforeseen complication arise

d. all parties to the transaction are co-operative and there is no unreasonable delay from third parties providing documentation

e. no indemnity policies are required. Additional disbursements may apply if indemnity policies are required.


This fee is for our services from the start of the transaction to the finish but excludes disbursements and any additional fees listed in this information page.

The key stages involved in the sale of your property should include the following:

  • We will send to you a sale pack which includes forms for your completion and return to us together with evidence of your identity and proof of address
  • If the title to your property is unregistered please supply your title deeds. If title is registered then we can obtain title documents from HM Land Registry;
  • Once we have received your completed paperwork, along with the memorandum of sale from the selling agents (or the details of the buyer’s conveyancer from you if it is private sale) then we will prepare the contract pack for the buyer’s conveyancer;
  • As soon as your buyer is in a position to proceed we shall discuss with you and agree with your buyer’s conveyancer a suitable completion date for your sale. If you have a related purchase we will liaise with your seller’s conveyancer;
  • Once contracts have been exchanged there is a legally binding agreement between you and your buyer for the sale and purchase of your property;
  • On the completion date we will notify your estate agent if the sale was negotiated by them and pay their account. We will also pay off any mortgage which you have secured on your property, and either return the net proceeds to you or apply those funds to your related purchase.
SALE LEGAL FEES This fee is for our services from the start of the transaction to the finish but excludes disbursements and any additional fees listed in this information page.
£0 – £125,000 £625.00 £750.00
£125,001 – £250,000 £675.00 £810.00
£250,001 – £500,000 £725.00 £870.00
£500,001 – £750,000 £825.00 £990.00
£750,001 – £1,000,000 £925.00 £1,100.00
£1,000,001 – £2,000,000 £1,350.00 £1,620.00
£2,000,001 – £3,000,000 £2,750.00 £3,300.00
£3,000,001 – £10,000,000 £4,000.00 £4,800.00
Telegraphic Transfer Fee £25.00 £30.00
Leasehold Property Fee £450.00 £540.00
Shared Ownership Fee £450.00 £540.00
Help To Buy Discharge £350.00 £420.00
ID Check (Per Person) £5.60.00 N/A
Office Copies & Title Plan (Per Title) £9.00 N/A



This fee is for our services from the start of the transaction to the finish but excludes disbursements and any additional fees listed in this information page.

The key stages involved in the purchase of your property will include the following:

  • We will send to you a purchase pack which includes forms for your completion and return to us together with evidence of your identity and proof of address, proof of funds and up front payment for initial searches
  • Once we have received a memorandum of sale from the selling agent, or details of the transaction from you if your matter is a private sale, and your completed purchase pack, we will contact the sellers conveyancer to commence legal arrangements;
  • The seller’s conveyancers will supply us with a contract pack, including title to the property, a plan, property information form, fixtures list (leasehold information form if title to the property is leasehold), a contract and the Energy Performance Certificate;
  • We will check title to the property, order searches, approve the contract and draft a transfer deed for approval of the seller’s conveyancer. We will also raise any relevant enquiries with the seller’s conveyancer;
  • We would recommend you have a survey carried out and discuss the content with the surveyor as we are unable to advise you on such matters and consider having specialist reports for any item considered essential by your surveyor and prior to proceeding further. If you are getting a mortgage, your lender will likely also carry out a valuation of the property;
  • Once we have received your mortgage offer, searches and we are satisfied with replies to enquiries then we will provide you with a full title report on the property for you to consider. We will also send you a contract, transfer and other documents to sign and return;
  • If we are also instructed in your sale, we will ensure that the two transactions can exchange simultaneously, if so instructed, and when a completion date is agreed we will supply you with completion statements setting out all monies;
  • As soon as all parties are in a position to proceed, we will exchange contracts. This is the point at which the agreement is binding, and you cannot pull out of the transaction without incurring penalties. At the point of exchange you should book your removals and put your buildings insurance in place as this is when the risk of the new property will pass to you;  We will require the buildings insurance policy with interest of your lender noted on it immediately prior to the exchange of contracts.
  • We will order your mortgage advance to arrive in time to complete the transaction or ask you to put us in funds for any balance required to complete;
  • On the completion date, funds will be transferred between solicitors and once completion has taken place we will notify you and the selling agents so that keys can be released to you;
  • Following completion of your purchase we will submit your Stamp Duty Land Tax return to HMRC and pay any duty owed.  We will register you as owner with the Land Registry and supply you with evidence once the Land Registry has completed our application.
PURCHASE LEGAL FEES This fee is for our services from the start of the transaction to the finish but excludes disbursements and any additional fees listed in this information page.
£0 – £125,000 £650.00 £780.00
£125,001 – £250,000 £725.00 £870.00
£250,001 – £500,000 £795.00 £954.00
£500,001 – £750,000 £895.00 £1,074.00
£750,001 – £1,000,000 £1,150.00 £1,380.00
£1,000,001 – £2,000,000 £1,750.00 £2,100.00
£2,000,001 – £3,000,000 £3,000.00 £3,600.00
£3,000,001 – £10,000,000 £5,000.00 £6,000.00
PURCHASE ADDITIONAL FEES This fee is for our services from the start of the transaction to the finish but excludes disbursements and any additional fees listed in this information page.
Telegraphic Transfer Fee £25.00 £30.00
Leasehold Property Fee £555.00 £660.00
New Build Fee £650.00 £780.00
Shared Ownership Fee £650.00 £780.00
Help to Buy Scheme Fee £650.00 £780.00
Help to Buy ISA Fee £50.00 £60.00
SDLT Form Preparation £40.00 £48.00
Bankruptcy Search (Per Person) £2.00 N/A
ID Check (Per Person) £5.20 N/A
Land Registry Pre Completion Search (Per Title) £3.00 N/A
Search Pack (Approx) £270.00 £270.00 (INCLUDES VAT)
Lawyer Check £15.00 £18.00
SDLT + HMLR Electronic Submission Fee £12.00 N/A
HMLR Fee – This depends on the purchase price of the property. See above section called HMLR Fee.
SDLT Fee – This depends on the purchase price of the property. RSee above section called SDLT Fee.



This fee is for our services from the start of the transaction to the finish but excludes disbursements and any additional fees listed in this information page.

Before proceeding with your re-mortgage you should firstly take advice from a suitably qualified financial advisor to ensure the product you choose meets your needs. We cannot advise you upon the terms of the mortgage.

The key stages in re-mortgaging work will include the following:

  • We will send to you a re-mortgage pack which includes forms for your completion and return to us together with evidence of your identity and proof of address;
  • We will investigate title to your property to ensure it complies with your new lender’s requirements.
  • We may need to carry out searches and further investigations.
  • We will make contact with your current lender to obtain a repayment figure and when new mortgage offer is received we will forward new lender’s mortgage deed and any other documents to you for signing and return to us.
  • On completion we will obtain the advance funds from new lender and pay off your existing lender and then deal with registration at HM Land Registry to secure the new charge over your property and supply you and the new lender with evidence once the Land Registry has completed our application.
REMORTGAGE LEGAL FEES This fee is for our services from the start of the transaction to the finish but excludes disbursements and any additional fees listed in this information page.
£0 – £250,000 £395.00 £474.00
£250,001 – £500,000 £425.00 £510.00
£500,001 – £750,000 £595.00 £714.00
£750,001 – £1,000,000 £695.00 £834.00
£1,0000,001 – £2,000,000 £995.00 £1,194.00
£2,000,001 – £3,000,000 £1,250.00 £1,500.00
£3,000,001 – £10,000,000 £3,000.00 £3,600.00
Telegraphic Transfer Fee £25.00 £30.00
Leasehold Property Fee £100.00 £120.00
Shared Ownership Fee £250.00 £300.00
Help To Buy Discharge £250.00 £300.00
Bankruptcy Search (Per Person) £2.00 N/A
ID Check (Per Person) £5.20 N/A
Office Copies & Title Plan (Per Title) £9.00 N/A
Land Registry Pre Completion Search (Per Title) £3.00 N/A
Remortgage No Search Insurance – if new lender agreeable (Approx) £20.00 N/A
HMLR Fee – This depends on the purchase price of the property. See above section called HMLR Fee.
SDLT Fee – This depends on the purchase price of the property. See above section called SDLT Fee.


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